Malware Signature

The following table shows a list of malware samples and the corresponding botnet C&C (ip:port) associated with BlueBot

Database Entry

First seen:2020-03-25 20:26:43 UTC
Last seen:2021-07-23 07:14:36 UTC

Malware Samples

The table below documents all malware samples associated with this malware family.

Timestamp (UTC)Malware Sample (MD5 hash)VTSignatureBotnet C&C (IP:port)
2021-07-23 07:14:36ac2a2c9e743a2f8e39bb36d37f45d829Virustotal results 46 / 69 (66.67%) BlueBot61.14.233.111:7707
2021-07-23 07:14:36ac2a2c9e743a2f8e39bb36d37f45d829Virustotal results 46 / 69 (66.67%) BlueBot61.14.233.111:7707
2020-03-25 20:26:43cc02efb641a691707a97f19d4a919e12Virustotal results 49 / 73 (67.12%) BlueBot192.95.20.152:443
2020-03-25 20:26:43cc02efb641a691707a97f19d4a919e12Virustotal results 49 / 73 (67.12%) BlueBot192.95.20.152:443