Malware Signature

The following table shows a list of malware samples and the corresponding botnet C&C (ip:port) associated with Bolek

Database Entry

First seen:2019-08-29 00:04:35 UTC
Last seen:2019-09-17 03:23:57 UTC

Malware Samples

The table below documents all malware samples associated with this malware family.

Timestamp (UTC)Malware Sample (MD5 hash)VTSignatureBotnet C&C (IP:port)
2019-09-17 03:23:57c4830acd2af8d4fe816ca64817e0ae6cVirustotal results 15 / 71 (21.13%) Bolek185.225.17.154:443
2019-09-17 03:23:57c4830acd2af8d4fe816ca64817e0ae6cVirustotal results 15 / 71 (21.13%) Bolek185.225.17.154:443
2019-09-08 02:05:115fa6a10058c472bf3751dec23a528492Virustotal results 23 / 70 (32.86%) Bolek185.225.17.154:443
2019-09-08 02:05:115fa6a10058c472bf3751dec23a528492Virustotal results 23 / 70 (32.86%) Bolek185.225.17.154:443
2019-08-29 00:04:35c2a83001204fc0e19e537807e77ae760Virustotal results 24 / 70 (34.29%) Bolek185.225.17.154:443
2019-08-29 00:04:35c2a83001204fc0e19e537807e77ae760Virustotal results 24 / 70 (34.29%) Bolek185.225.17.154:443