Malware Signature

The following table shows a list of malware samples and the corresponding botnet C&C (ip:port) associated with Expiro

Database Entry

First seen:2016-12-18 07:45:40 UTC
Last seen:2019-09-08 18:00:43 UTC

Malware Samples

The table below documents all malware samples associated with this malware family.

Timestamp (UTC)Malware Sample (MD5 hash)VTSignatureBotnet C&C (IP:port)
2019-09-08 18:00:437c6f082a26d3c9d5477b8df44ddb6206Virustotal results 57 / 70 (81.43%) Expiro45.128.204.95:443
2019-09-08 18:00:437c6f082a26d3c9d5477b8df44ddb6206Virustotal results 57 / 70 (81.43%) Expiro45.128.204.95:443
2016-12-18 07:45:40875cf5bba6273ebf1870e1b3754fd806Virustotal results 38/50 (76.00%) Expiro37.230.115.205:443
2016-12-18 07:45:40875cf5bba6273ebf1870e1b3754fd806Virustotal results 38/50 (76.00%) Expiro37.230.115.205:443