Malware Signature

The following table shows a list of malware samples and the corresponding botnet C&C (ip:port) associated with Nemesis

Database Entry

First seen:2023-04-19 20:42:03 UTC
Last seen:2023-04-20 15:53:48 UTC

Malware Samples

The table below documents all malware samples associated with this malware family.

Timestamp (UTC)Malware Sample (MD5 hash)VTSignatureBotnet C&C (IP:port)
2023-04-20 15:53:48cdbe0feb82b1caf164c7da42cb9a20beVirustotal results 23 / 70 (32.86%) Nemesis23.227.193.141:443
2023-04-19 20:42:03d59df219b2d328e85deb4c6c3e3af66cVirustotal results 47 / 70 (67.14%) Nemesis23.227.193.141:443